Araeococcus flagellifolius
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Araeococcus flagellifolius.
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Suriname, Venezuela.
Ian Hook 07/08.
Sharon Song 07/08.
Valerie Honeywood 01/19
Mitch Jones 11/24
Mitch Jones 12/24

Araeococcus flagellifolius Harms, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 10: 784. 1929.
Desc from S&D
Stemless; flowering shoot 2-6 dm high.
Leaves few, 7-40 dm long;
sheaths forming a slenderly ovoid pseudobulb, entire or subentire, densely brown-lepidote, the inner ones 8-18 cm long;
blades decurved, linear, filiform-attenuate, ca. 1 cm wide at base, coarsely and laxly serrate toward base, serrulate or entire toward apex, pale-lepidote.
Scape erect, slender;
scape-bracts few, lanceolate, 2-12 cm long, thin, entire, pale lepidote.
Inflorescence bipinnate or rarely simple, subpyramidal, 1-3 dm long;
primary bracts, lanceolate, 2-3 cm long, membranaceous, pale red;
racemes to 8 cm long.
Floral bracts narrowly triangular, 1-3 mm long;
pedicels spreading, slender, 6-8 mm long; flowers lilac-green (! Huebner).
Sepals asymmetric with the large wing exceeding the submucronate apex, oblong-ovate, 3 mm long;
petals 6-9 mm long;
ovary ellipsoid.
Type. Huebner 58 (holotype, B; photo 11300, F), Rio Apuahu, Rio Negro drainage, 2deg 31' S, 60deg 50' W, Amazonas, Brazil, Jul 1929.
Distribution. Epiphytic in rain forest and savanna, saxicolous, 150-240 m alt, Orinoco and Amazon drainage, southeastern Colombia to Para, Brazil.
COLOMBIA. Vaupes: About 15 miles above mouth of Rio Kubiyti (tributary of Rio Vaupes), Cerro Kailenda, 1deg 0' N, 70deg 15' W, l0 Nov 1952, Schultes & Cabrera 18348 (US); settlement of "Alto Caribe", remanso "Carana," bank of Rio Inirida, 23 Jan 1953, Fernandez 1909 (COL); settlement of "Morichal", near mouth of Rio Papunaua, bank of Rio Inirida, 70deg 30' W, 8 Feb 1953; Fernandez 2222 (COL).
VENEZUELA. Amazonas: Near Base Camp, Cerro Sipapo (Paraque), 10 Feb 1949, Maguire & Politi 28957 (NY, US).
SURINAME. Tapahony river, Versteeg 848 (U); at boundary near source of Litanie River, Rombouts 886 (U).
BRAZIL. Amazonas: Rio Apuahu, Huebner 55 (B, paratype, nv); Sumauma, Barcelos, 11 Sep 1962, Reitzs n (HBR); Rio Cuieiras just below mouth of Rio Brancinho, 2deg 51' S, 60deg 30' W, 27 Sep 1971, Prance et al 14980 (NY); Tapuruquara, Rio Negro, 20 Oct 1971, Prance et al 15742 (NY, US). Para: Rio Cururu, Alto Tapajos, 14 Jul 1959, Egler & Raimundo 884 (MG, US); Santarem, km 70 on road to Palhao, Ramal do Caetetu, 15 Sep 1969, M. Silva & Souza 2599 (MG, NY, US).
RONDONIA: 4 km above Jaciparana, Rio Jaciparana, Rio Madeira basin, 28 Jun 1968, Prance et a1 5297 (1NPA).

Updated 13/12/24