Basionym: Vriesea odorata Leme, Bradea 5( 16): 175. 1989.
Desc from Bradea 1989
Planta rupestris, florifera ca. 250cm alta, Foliis dense rosulatis, longe ligulatis, ca. 100cm longis, erectis vel suberectis, basi utriculum infundibuliformem conformantibus; Vaginis longe trapeziformibus et inconspicuis. basi 12cm latis, utrimque perminute denseque brunneo-lepidotis, pallide virescentibus sed extus basin versus atrobrunneis; Limbis longe linear-subtriangularibus, ca. 7cm latis sed apicem versus sensim angustatis, apice longe acuminato-subcaudato, utrimque subglabratis sed primum perdense cretaceis, glaucis; Scapus ca. 130cm longus ca. 2cm latus, viridens usque rubellus, glabratus, erectus. crassus folia valde superans; Bracteis scapalibus foliaceis vel subfoliaceis , scapum fere omnino amplectantibus, glaucis sed basin versus rubenscentibus, primum permanifeste cretaceis, apicem versus suberectis vel leviter recurvatis, internodia valde superantibus, glabratis, apice acuminato-subcaudato. Inflorescentia subcylindrica, sublaxe bipinnato-paniculata, 40-65cm longa, basica. 26cm diameter sed prope apicem ca. 15cm diameter, altitudinem foliorum valde superans; Bracteis primariis infimis bracteis scapi similibus sed vix brevioribus, altitudinem ramulorum subaequantibus vel distincte brevioribus, apicem versus bene recurvatis, supernis late ellipticis vel suborbicularibus, apice breviter acuminato-subcaudato, rubenscentibus, basin sterilem ebracteatam vel unibracteatam ramulorum vix longioribus; Ramis lateralibus 20-25, divarivatis vel reflexis, infimis ca. 16cm longis, supernis ca. 7cm longis, pedunculo 1-4cm longo, ca. 5mm diameter, crasso, 4-11 floribus, sublaxifloridis, terminali ca. 10 cm longo, erecto sed apicem versus leviter curvato; Rache virente glabrata, geniculata, ca. 3mm diameter; Bracteis floriferis late ellipticis vel orbicularibus, rotundatis, ca. 2cm longis, 1.8-2.5cm latis, virescentibus, ecarinatis vel interdum obtuse carinatis, glabratis, altitudinem sepalorum distincte brevioribus; Flores odorati, cum petalis erectis ca. 9cm longi, distichi haud secundi; Pedicellis subobconicis, crassis, ca. 10mm longis, ca. 8mm diameter, viridulis; Sepalis obovatis, rotundatis, ca. 32mm longis, ca. 18mm latis, liberis, virescentibus, ecarinatis, intus inconspicue lepidotis, extus glabris; Petalis longe linearibus, apice anguste rotundato-emarginatis, ca. 7.5cm longis, ca. 8mm latis, lucide flavis, liberis, ligulis binis subacutis vel rotundatis ca. 20mm supra basin auctis; Staminibus quam petala brevioribus; Filamentis teretibus, ca. 6cm longis, albis; Antheris linearibus ca. 10mm longis, base obtusis, apice acutis, prope basin dorsifixis; Stylo longitudinem petalorum vix superante, albo, ca. 7.5mm longo, ca. 2mm diameter; Ovulis pluribus, longe caudatis.
Type: State of Rio de Janeiro, near Raposo. Plant growing on rocks, sun loving, in large formations. Leg. Elton M. C. Leme 262, in June of 1982. Flowered in cultivation in December of 1989. HOLOTYPUS: HB.
English translation:
Plant growing on rocks flowering to 250cm high
Leaves forming a dense rosette , long lingulate, ca 100cm long, erect or sub-erect, forming a funnel shaped utriculum at the base.
Sheath long trapeziforme, inconspicuous, 12cm wide at base, both sides small dense brown lepidote, pale greenish but dark brown towards the base.
Blades long linear triangular, ca 7cm wide, but gradually tapering to a narrow tip, tip long acuminate caudate, both sides sub-glabrous, but at first with dense chalkiness, glaucous.
Scape ca 130cm long, 2cm wide, green to red, glabrous, erect, thick, much exceeding the leaves.
Scape bracts leaf like to almost leaflike, enclosing the whole of the scape, glaucous but reddish towards the base, at first strongly chalky, the tip erect to a little bent over, much exceeding the internodes, glabrous, tip acuminate caudate.
Inflorescence sub cylindric, sub lax bipinnate panicle, 40–65cm long, 26cm diam. at the base, but near the tip 15cm diam, much exceeding the height of the leaves.
Primary bracts the lowest ones similar to the scape bracts, but barely shorter, equalling the length of the branches or distinctly shorter, the tip well bent over, upper ones wide elliptic or sub orbicular, tip short acuminate sub-caudate, becoming red, the sterile base without a bract or a single bract scarcely as long as the branch,
Branches 20–25, divaricate or reflexed, the lowest ones ca 16cm long, upper ones ca 7cm long,
Peduncle 1–4cm long, ca 5mm diam, thick, 4–11 flowered, sub-lax, with terminal branch 10cm long, erect, but the tip a little bent over.
Rachis green, glabrous, geniculate, ca 3mm diam,
Floral bracts broad elliptic to orbicular, rounded, ca 2cm long, 1.8–2cm wide, green, not keeled, or sometimes bluntly keeled, glabrous, distinctly shorter than the sepals,
Flowers scented, with erect petals ca 9cm long, distichous never secund,
Pedicel sub-obconic, thick, ca 10mm long, ca 8mm diam, green,
Sepals obovate, rounded, ca 32mm long, ca 18mm wide, free, green, not keeled, inside inconspicuous lepidote, outside glabrous,
Petals long linear, tip narrow, rounded emarginate, ca 7.5cm long, ca 8mm wide, clear yellow, free, 2 sub acute or rounded ligules ca 20mm above the base.
Stamens shorter than the petals,
Filaments tubular, ca 6cm long, white,
Anthers linear, ca 10mm long, base blunt, tip acute, dorsifixed near the base,
Style scarcely longer than the petals, white, ca 7.5mm long, ca 2mm diam,
Ovules many, long caudate.
V. odorata is related to V. geniculata (Wawra) Wawra, and with V. regina (Vellozo) Beer.
From the first it differs in the sheaths being a dark brown color; The blades of the leaves and scape bracts are densely covered in chalk; for the shorter and denser inflorescence, with the upper branches with much fewer flowers; sepals obovate. and for the petals smaller, yellow, with apex round-emarginated and almost sharp to rounded ligules.
As for V. regina, the new bromeliad here described presents the following differences; the most narrow leaf blades are densely chalky; Scape bracts densely chalky; Inflorescence denser and much shorter, with smaller branches; Rhachis geniculate; green floral bracts, with rounded apex; sepals with round apex, and for the smaller petals with apex round-emarginate.