Desc from S&D p1901-4
Leaves 5-12 in a funnelform rosette, 3-5 dm long, exceeding the inflorescence;
Sheaths large, broadly elliptic, sometimes purple;
Blades ligulate, acuminate with a long slender terminal mucro, 2-4 cm wide, pale-lepidote especially beneath, bearing spines to 2.5 mm long.
Scape erect, slender, white-flocculose becoming glabrous;
Scape-bracts imbricate, lanceolate, acuminate, spinose-serrate, red.
Inflorescence usually bipinnate; lower primary bracts like the scape-bracts, exceeding the spikes;
Spikes subsessile, densely 4-12-flowered, oblong, compressed, to 15 cm long, 15-18 mm wide;
Rhachis strongly excavated next the flowers, more or less white-flocculose.
Floral bracts distichous, broadly elliptic or obovate, mucronate, carinate, glabrous, equaling the sepals, subcoriaceous.
Sepals free, slightly asymmetric, elliptic, mucronulate, to 7.5mm long;
Petals mucronulate, 16 mm long, bearing 2 fimbriate scales above the base;
Ovary subglobose, epigynous tube evident; placentae apical; ovules long-caudate.
Type. Martius s n (holotype, M; photo, F 8639), Cataracts of Cupateares, Rio Japura (Caqueta), Caqueta, Colombia, 1820.
Distribution. Epiphytic, 280-1000 m alt, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Amazonian Brazil.
MEXICO. Chiapas: Raudales (Malpaso), 7 Apr 1966, Gonzalez Quintero 3518 (IPMEX). COLOMBIA. Narino: Urcusique, 23 Nov 1946, Foster 2251 (GH). Meta: Acacias, Apr 1950, Uribe-Uribe 2086 (COL, US). Vaupes: Caiio Teemeena, Rio Piraparana, ca 0deg 05' N, 70deg 30' W, 10 Sep 1952, Schultes & Cabrera 17387 (US). Caqueta: Florencia, 29 Mar 1940. Cuatrecasas 8831 (COL, US); Florencia to Venecia, 31 Mar 1930, Cuatrecasas 8940 (COL). VENEZUELA. Apure: Reserva Forestal San Camilo, Rio Nulita, 26 Mar 1968, Steyermark, Bunting & Blanco 101317(US, VEN). Bolivar: Rio Carapo mouth, upper Rio Paragua, 5 Sep 1943, Cardona 984 (US, VEN); Abacapa-tepui, Chimanta Massif, Mar 1953, Steyermark 74738 (F, NY, US); km 105-118 El Dorado to Santa Elena, 3 Jan 1956, Foldats 2854 (US, VEN); Raudales de Maihia, Rio Paragua, 4deg 25' N, 63deg 07' W, I Jan 1962, Steyermark 90493 (US, VEN); Rio Paramichi, ca 4deg 07' N, 63deg 03' W, Jan 1962, Steyermark 90770 (VEN); Rio Marajanu mouth, Rio Cacara, upper Rio Caura Basin, 1 Jan 1963, Cardona 2945 (VEN). Amazonas: Simarawochi, Rio Matacuni, Sierra Parima, 3deg 49' N, 64deg 36' W, 1973, Steyermark 107410 (US, VEN). GUYANA. Demerara: Upper Demerara River, 1887, Jenman 4116 (BRa); Demerara River, 1896, Jenman 6896 (K); 6913 (BRa). Essequibo: Rockstone, 1920, Hitchcock 17288 (OH, NY, US); Bartika, 28 Aug 1935, Potter 5302 (GH). BRAZIL. Roraima: Igarape Paiua, Serra Tepequem, 19 Feb 1967, Prance et al 4553 (NY, IAN, US); Auaris, 4deg 03' N, 64deg 22' W, 5 Feb 1969, Prance et al 9590 (INPA, NY, US). Amazonas: Cocui to Rio Issana mouth, Rio Negro, Jan 1948, Schultes & Lopez 9568 (IAN, US); Manaus, 5 Jan 1955, Chagas s n (INPA); 6 Jun 1968, Prance et al 5021 (NY); km 60, Humaita to Labrea, 25 Nov 1966, Prance, Pena & Ramos 3287 (NY, IAN, US); Rio Cunhua, Rio Purus Basin, 6deg 43' S, 66deg 47' W, 29 Nov 1971, Prance et al 16532 (INPA, NY, US). Rondonia: Porto Velho, to Cuiab:l, 20 Sep 1962, Duarte 7029 (RB); 15 Aug 1968, Prance & Ramos 6985 (INPA, NY, US); Mutumparana, Rio Madeira Basin, 23 Nov 1968, Prance et al 8780 (INP A, NY, US).
Aechmea tillandsioides var kienastii (E. Morren ex Mez) L. B. Smith, Caldasia {1} (5): {5}.1942.
This variety considered to be unnecessary in DeRebus I 1994 without explanation.
Aechmea chiriquensis Baker, Jour. Bot. London 24: 243. 1886. Type. Chiriqui Lagoon, Panama, Hart 173 (K, photo K 7415).
Aechmea squarrosa Baker, Jour. Bot. London 28: 305. 1890; non Baker, 1889. Type. Boca de Polochic, Izabal, Guatemala, J. D. Smith 1823 (GH, K, US), Apr 1889.
Aechmea kienastii E. Morren ex Mez, DC. Monogr. Phan. 9: 243. 1896.
Inflorescence digitate or rarely simple.
Type. Kienast in Makoy Hortus s n (holotype, LGO; photo GH), Mexico, 1880.
Distribution. Mostly epiphytic from near sea level to 600 m alt, Mexico to Amazonian Brazil.
MEXICO. Oaxaca: Tepinapa, 22 Mar 1919, Reko 4055 (US); Tuxtepec: Chiltepec, Martinez-Calderon 139 (GH); Arroyo Benco, 14 Apr 1939, Schultes & Reko 619 in part (GH). Tabasco: Tenosique, Jul 1892, Beristain 7909 (GH); San Isidro, Balancan, Jun 1939, Matuda 3365 (GH). Quintana Roo: Coba, 1938, Lundell 7683 (GH, US). GUATEMALA. Peten: Uaxactun, 26 Mar 1931, Bartlett 12329 (F, MICH, US); El Paso, 15 Apr 1932, Lundell 1637 (MICH); Chinaja, 29 Mar 1942, Steyermark 45502 (F, GH); Santa Isabel, 21 Apr 1942, Steyermark 45871 (F, GH); Rio Santa Monica, Cedral to Ceibal, 20 Apr 1942, Steyermark 46051 (F, GH); Tikal, 1959, Lundell 15374 (LL, US); 15375 (LL, US); 15498 (LL, US). Alta Verapaz: Cubilguitz, Jun 1901, Tuerckheim in J. D. Smith 8020 (US); Apr 1902, 8324 (GH, US); Chama, 1 Jun 1920, H. Johnson 254 (US); 10 Aug 1920, 474 (US). Izabal: Puerto Barrios, 1939, Standley 73156 (F); Salomon Creek, Bananera, 6 Apr 1940, Steyermark 38962 (F); Livingston, 16 Apr 1940, Steyermark 39554 (F): 39561 (F); Izabal, 1 May 1966, G. C. Jones & Facey 3214 (NY, US). BRITISH HONDURAS. Belize: Oracie Rock, Sibun River, 28 Mar 1935, Gentle 1581 (MICH); Maska!l, 4 Sep 1936, O'Nei11 8509 (LCU). El Cayo: El Cayo, 23 Mar 1931, Bartlett 12081 (MICH); Yaloch to El Cayo, 3 May 1931, Bartlett 12860 (MICH); Vaca, 1938, Gentle 2460 (MICH); 2612 (MICH). Stann Creek: Big Creek, Mar 1929, Schipp 98 (OH, US); Humming Bird Highway, 5 Jun 1954, Gentle 8207 (LL). Toledo: Columbia, 15 Nov 1946, Gentle 6098 (LL); 5 May 1947, 6210 (LL); Big Fall, 13 Apr 1950, Gentle 7022 (LL, US); Orange Point to Moho River, 24 Apr 1952, Gentle 7661 (LL). HONDURAS. Atlantida: Ceiba, 29 Sep 1916, Dyer A-107 (US); 30 Ju11938, Yuncker, Koepper & Wagner 8742 (GH, US); Tela, Standley 52998 (US). NICARAGUA. Zelaya: El Muelle de los Bueyes to Villa Somozo, 6 Apr 1961, Bunting & Licht 1087 (F); Rosita, 4 Jan 1974, Atwood, Marshall & Nei11 6965 (Seymour). Bluefields: Cerro San Isidro, ca 12deg 10' N, 84deg 05' W, Mar 1966, Proctor, Jones & Facey 25057 (NY, US); 27110 (NY, US); Rama, Proctor, Jones & Facey 27067 (NY, US). COSTA RICA. Puntarenas, Osa: Golfo Dulce, 1 Dec 1949, P. H. Allen 5368 (US). Alajuela: Los Chiles, 11deg 02' N, 84deg 44' W, 1 Aug 1949, Holm & 1ltis 722 (US, WIS). Limon: Guapiles, Mar 1924, Standley 37461 (US); Finca Castilla, Ju11936, Dodge & Goeger 9411 (GH, MO); 9417 (GH, MO). Heredia: La Concepcion, Llanuras de Santa Clara, Feb 1896, J. D. Smith 6826 (US). Cartago: Rio Pacuare, Platanillo, 3 May 1956, L. 0. Williams 19533 (EAP). PANAMA. Bocas del Toro: Chiriqui Lagoon, Wedel 1837 (MO). Canal Zone: Gorgona to Gatun, 7 Jan 1911, Pittier 2272 (US); Barro Colorado Island, 25 June 1968, S. F. Smith 8 (US). Colon: Porto Bello, Jan 1911, Pittier 2431 (US). COLOMBIA. Norte de Santander: Oru on pipeline, 18 Sep 1946, Foster 1734 (COL, GH); 1735 (COL, GH); Petrolea, 24 Sep 1946, Foster 1790 (GH). Santander: Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Valley, 15 Dec 1934, Haught 1467 (US); Puerto Berrio, 14 Apr 1935, Haught 1639 (GH, US). Antioquia: Villa Arteaga, 5 Feb 1948, Sierra & Klevens 81 (MEDEL). Choco: Cuevita, Pacific coast, 1 Jun 1950, Fernandez 211 (COL). Tolima: Mariquita, 27 Sep 1954, Uribe-Uribe 2624 (COL). Meta: Rio Guapaya, Sierra Macarena, 18 Jan 1950, Philipson, Jaramillo & 1drobo 2125 (BM, US). Vaupes: Mitu, 13 Sep 1939, Perez-Arbelaez & Cuatrecasas 6758 (COL); Mount Chiribiquete, Macaya-Ajaju River confluence, May 1943, Schultes 5413 (US, leaves banded); 5440 (US); Rio Piraparana, 0deg 15' S-odeg 25' N, 70deg 30' W, 18 Sep 1952, Schultes & Cabrera 17520(US); Rio Inirida, 70deg 35' W, 23 Jan 1953, Fernandez 1911 (COL); San Joaquin, Rio Inirida, 71deg W, 27 Jan 1953, Fernandez 2009 in part (US); Mariapiri, Rio Inirida, 69deg 45' W, 3 Feb 1953, Fernandez 2116 (COL); Raudal Guacamayo, Rio Inirida, 69deg 45' W, 4 Feb 1953, Fernandez 2138 (COL, US); Mesa de Yambi, Rio Karuaru, 1deg 20' N, 71deg 20' W, Apr 1953, Schultes & Cabrera 19187 (US). Vaupes-Amazonas: Raudal de Jirijirimo, Rio Apaporis, 0deg 05' N, 70deg 40' W, 21 Jan 1952, Schultes & Cabrera 14961 (US). Caqueta: Florencia, 29 Mar 1940, Cuatrecasas 8832 (COL); 22 Jan 1969, Cuatrecasas & Cowan 27234 (US). VENEZUELA. Anzoategui: Bergantin, 20 Feb 1945, Steyermark 60999 in part (F). Zulia: Rio Catatumbo, Patzek s n (US); Machiques, 29 Aug 1967, Steyermark 99882 (US, VEN). Bolivar: Rio Icabaru and Rio Hacha, 29 Dec 1955, Bernardi 2671 (MER). Amazonas: San Carlos, Jan 1930, Holt & Gehriger 321 (US); Jun 1942, L. Williams 16162 (VEN); 20 Feb 1945, Steyermark 60999 in part (GH); 9 Dec 1947, Schultes & Lopez 9269 (US); Apr 1970, Steyermark & Bunting 102763 (US, VEN); Mavaca, upper Rio Orinoco, Jan 1970, Aristeguieta & Lizot 7423 (US, VEN). SURINAME. Wullschlaegel s n (W). BRAZIL. Roraima: Uaica, Rio Uraricoeira, 3deg 33' N, 63deg 11' W, 12 Mar 1971, Prance et al 10908 (IAN, NY, US). Amazonas: Vista Alegre, upper Rio Negro, 13 Feb 1944, Baldwin 3461 (US); Rio Castanho mouth, Rio Paduiri, Feb 1946, Cardona 1390 (VEN); Manaus, Ju11965, Dellome s n (RB); Providencia, Rio Curuquete, 27 Ju11971, Prance et al 14634 (INP A, NY, US); Tapuruquara, Rio Negro basin, 16 Oct 1971, Prance et al 15309 (NY).
Local name. Pie de gallo (Guatemala, British Honduras), wild pine (British Honduras).
7. Aechmea vriesioides Baker, n. sp. Jour. Bot. London 17: 134. 1879.
Leaves eight to ten, with a dilated oblong entire base two to three inches long, one inch and a half to two inches broad, contracting suddenly to a linear lamina, two feet long, three-quarters to one inch broad low down, narrowed gradually to the point, armed with copious brown spreading lanceolate horny prickles half a line long. Peduncle a foot long, floccose, the red denticulate upper bract-leaves about two inches long. Panicle rhomboid, half a foot long, with five to six simply spicate erecto-patent distichous branches two to three inches long, three-quarters of an inch broad, the lower ones subtended by lanceolate acute bracts one inch to two inches long. Rachises one-sixth of an inch diameter, square, flexuose. Flower-bract round-navicular, one-half to five-eighths of an inch long, not mucronate, clasping tightly the calyx. Calyx with ovary five-eighths of an inch long; sepals lanceolate, one quarter of an inch long, with minute brown cusps. Petals not seen, Mosquito Shore year 1774, Captain Miller! Kaieteur Falls, Demerara, 1872, Appun! (Herb. Mus. Brit.)
From Baker 1889
83. Aechmea chiriquensis Baker in Journ. Bot. 1886, 243.
Leaves 5-6 in a utricular rosette, lanceolate from an oblong base, above a foot long, 0.75-1 in. broad at the middle, moderately firm in texture, obscurely lepidote on the back, narrowed gradually to the point, the marginal prickles deltoid-cuspidate, spreading horizontally, the largest 1/12th in. long. Peduncle slender, under a foot long, with 3-4 spreading lanceolate bright red toothed bract-leaves crowded near its apex. Panicle of 2 erecto-patent laxly 8-l0 flowered distichous spikes 1.5-2 in. long; flower-bracts oblong-navicular, acute, ascending, 0.5 in. long. Ovary with calyx reaching to the tip of the bract; sepals ovate-lanceolate, with a small horny mucro. Petals protruded 1/8 in.
Hab. Chiriqui Lagoon, Hart 173! Collected on an expedition in 1886. It is probable that a plant at the British Museum from the Mosquito shore, gathered by Captain Miller in 1774, belongs here. It is closely allied to A. tillandsioides.
105. Aechmea xiphophylla Baker, Handb. Bromel. 63. 1889. Type. South Brazil (?), Berlin Hortus s n (B).
Leaves ensiform, not rigid, 1.5 ft. long, under an inch broad at the middle, tapering gradually to a long point; marginal prickles small, close. Peduncle 5-6 in. long; bract-leaves elongated; upper short, lanceolate, erect. Inflorescence a moderately dense oblong spike 2-3 in. long, 1 in. diam.; flower-bracts ovate, 1/3 in. long. Ovary with sepals as long as the bract; sepals lanceolate, as long as the ovary, with a small mucro. Petal-blade oblong-lanceolate, 1.25 in. long.
Hab. Probably South Brazil. Described from a plant grown in the Berlin Garden in 1839, under the name of Tillandsia or Billbergia coccinea.
Aechmea squarrosa Baker, Jour. Bot. London 28: 305. 1890
Ae. (Platyaechmea) squarrosa n. sp.
Leaves thin, ensiform from a very large oblong base, altogether 2.5-3 ft long, 1.5 in. broad at the middle, tapering gradually to the point, glabrous above, obscurely lepidote beneath; marginal spines middle sized, brown-pointed, the lower 1/12th in. long. Peduncle slender, erect, under a foot long, with a few erect lanceolate bract-leaves. Inflorescence a bipinnate panicle 6-9 in. long, with about 8 erecto-patent branches 3-4 in. long, the lower subtended by small red scariose lanceolate toothed branch-bracts; flowers distichous, laxly disposed, all but the uppermost deflexed; rachis acutely angled; flower-bracts oblong-navicular, coriaceous, 1/3 in. long. Calyx 1/3 in. long; sepals lanceolate, connivent, distinctly cuspidate, as long as the globose ovary. Petals not seen.
Boca de Polochie, dept. Ysabel, alt. 200 ft., Donnell-Smith 1823! Allied to Ae. tillandsioides and pubescens.