“This lovely variegated form of Aechmea coelestis has a charm and reserve that few variegated plants have. The rather wide white stripe that edges the margins of the grey-green leaves of this plant make it a really conservative but elegant plant.
We have had this plant in cultivation for at least five years. It was received from Europe where it apparently originated, but we have never learned who first saw this variegated form. It has been grown by the Julius Roehrs Co. of Rutherford, N. J. In the Bromeliad Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 5, 1953, page 39, there was a photo of this plant shown in connection with an article by Mr. Alfred S. Graf who stated at that time that they had not seen the plant in flower so did not know its true identity.
This new variety has flowered on several occasions in the Bromelario at Orlando; therefore, it can now be ascertained that it is a variety of Aechmea coelestis.
While the inflorescence is not showy the plant is at all times a modestly showy one. The flowers are of a very light caerulean blue; the fruit when ripe becomes rather grey-magenta in color. The marginal bands are quite regular and consistent and are not variable as in so many other variegated plants. The average height of this plant when in flower is eighteen to twenty-four inches.”
Then in Smith & Downs Bromelioideae Monograph (1979)
Aechmea coelestis var albo-marginata M. B. Foster, Bromel. Soc. Bull. 7: 91, fig. 1957.
Leaves white-striped especially along the margins.
Type. M. B. Foster 3016 (holotype, US), cultivated of unknown origin. Distribution. Unknown.
Current interpretation is that it should be treated as a cultivar. This is confirmed in The World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. As such this Culton will appear in the Bromeliad Cultivar Register as Aechmea ‘Roehrs’.