Aechmea Fascicaulis
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Aechmea Fascicaulis
cv. of fasciata? X nudicaulis?, hybridizer DeLeon?
Richard Harper. |
Derek Butcher. |
From January meeting of Adelaide Bromeliad Society.
(See S.A. Gazette 32/02)
Discussions on Aechmea nudicaulis hybrids.
"There was only one hybrid brought in which I did not know what to call other than fasciata x nudicaulis. You see, there is an Aechmea ‘Fascicaulis’ and I was lucky to see one in the Singapore Botanic Gardens. The flower was half way between the two parents as you would expect. Keith Bradtberg had got seed from the American seed bank and we all should know that you can’t give the same name to seed from ‘Fascicaulis’. You may be able to do it with seed from a species but not a hybrid.
The plant I grow seems to be closer to A. fasciata."
(See fcbs site for comparison.)
Updated 21/02/08