Glasshouse Country Bromeliad Society.
Glasshouse Mountains, Beerwah Qld. and district.
This Society has closed in 2013. Please refer to Caboolture Society.

Meetings Program:
- Society now closed. Please find your next nearest Society.
Contacts: (pre-closure of Society)
Postal Address: PO Box 424, Glass House Mountains, Qld 4518
President: Patricia Pennell 07-5438-7375
Vice President: Len Waite
Secretary: Keith Pennell 07-5438-7375
Treasurer: Ardie Baker
Committee Members -
Immediate Past President: Karen Binstead.
Media liaison, P.R. Officer & Newsletter Editor: Bob Watkins 0418-782-538
Raffles: Kaye Notman.
Plant of the Month: Margaret McLean.
Librarian: James Drake.
Trip Coordinator: Sheryl Waite.
Catering Team: Belinda Tilton.
A little history of the Glasshouse Country Bromeliad Society:
The Glasshouse Country Bromeliad Society Inc. (formerly Glasshouse Country Friends of Bromeliads Group) was formed in October 2004 and was incorporated in June 2006.
For more information contact our President Pat Pennell on 07-5438-7375 Email:
Or telephone our Newsletter Editor Bob Watkins on 0418-782-538 Email:
Past GCBS Newsletters.
GCBS1_1 December 2007
GCBS1_4 June-July 2008
GCBS2_1 August 2008
GCBS2_2 October 2008
GCBS2_3 December 2008
GCBS2_4 February 2009
GCBS2_5 April 2009
GCBS2_6 June 2009
GCBS2_7 July 2009
GCBS2_8 October 2009
GCBS2_9 December 2009
GCBS3_10 February 2010
GCBS3_11 April 2010
GCBS3_12 June 2010
GCBS3_13 August 2010
GCBS3_14 October 2010
GCBS3_15 Nov-Dec 2010
GCBS4_16 Jan-Feb 2011
GCBS4_17 Mar-April 2011
GCBS4_18 May-June 2011
GCBS4_19 June-July 2011
GCBS4_21 Sept-Oct 2011
GCBS4_22 Nov-Dec 2011
GCBS5_23 Jan-Feb 2012
GCBS5_24 Mar-April 2012
GCBS5_25 May-June 2012
GCBS5_26 June-July 2012
GCBS5_27 Aug-Sept 2012
GCBS5_27 Nov-Dec 2012
GCBS6_29 Feb-Mar 2013
GCBS6_30 Mar-May 2013
GCBS6_31 June 2013
Authorised persons please contact to update entries. Updated 15/02/14