Cairns Bromeliad Society Inc.

Cairns Bromeliad Society
Steven French
Vice President
Karen Stevens
Lynn Hudson
Frances Boyd
Janice West
Max Smith
Lynn Hudson
Editor Assist.
Frances Boyd
Nalda Wilson
Pop. Vote Steward
Josie Cannon
Pop. Vote Steward
Dave Weston
OIC Raffles
Karen Stevens

We have an excellent library for members, 6 newsletters each year, sales and display days, and field trips to Open Gardens and other Nurseries.
Honorary Life Members: Grace Goode O.A.M.(deceased), Kay Edington, Lynn Hudson, Robert(Bob) Hudson(deceased), Dave Weston.
New members are always welcome, please contact :

Cairns Bromeliad Society Inc.
P.O. Box 28, Cairns Qld. 4870

The latest .pdf edition of BROMELCAIRNS is available by clicking (Vol 22-No3).

Past editions: (Vol 17-No1) ; (Vol 17-No2) ; (Vol 17-No3); (Vol 17-No4); (Vol 17-No5); (Vol 17-No6)
(Vol 18-No1); (Vol 18-No2); (Vol 18-No3); (Vol 18-No4); (Vol 18-No5); (Vol 18-No6)
(Vol 19-No3); (Vol 19-No4)
(Vol 20-No2); (Vol 20-No3); (Vol 20-No4); (Vol 20-No5); (Vol 20-No6)
(Vol 21-No1); (Vol 21-No2); (Vol 21-No3); (Vol 21-No4); (Vol 21-No5); (Vol 21-No6); (Vol 22-No3)

Cairns Bromeliad Society
Click to view larger 293k picture in a new page.



Unless otherwise advised, meetings are held at Cominos House cnr Greenslopes & Little St Edge Hill Map 17 E/F-3 . Meetings commence at 1.00pm sharp.
Monthly meetings include practical Demonstrations & Mini Shows.

You joined to learn about bromeliads. We want you to learn and we want you to enjoy learning.
We want you to feel free to ask questions and to say; “I don’t understand that, please repeat it, or explain it more”, without feeling threatened.
You may bring in any plant which you want de-pupped, or if you have a problem with it, ie growing strangely, unnamed etc.
Any ideas of improvement changes are welcomed – talk to your committee.

Meetings format - minutes of last meeting, business arising from the minutes, other business, flowering plants, cuppa, Popular Vote voting, raffle, main talk, any questions, meeting close, Beginner’s class.
Flowering Plants - Members bring in any plant in flower, it does not have to be in show condition - it is to show other members how they flower.
Popular Vote - Bring in your best plant(s) and Members vote on which plant they like best. The points are tallied and there is a trophy at the end of the year for the member with the most points.
* Plants must be free of disease, be clean, including the pot and dead leaves removed.
* You must own the plant and have had it in your possession for at least the past three (3) months.
* Open and Novice section have 3 groups - Bromeliad, Cryptanthus & Tillandsia.
* A member may bring in 3 plants – one for each section, or 2 for one and 1 for another, or 3 for one section - or just 1 (better than none!).
Open Section (white tag) is for growers of three or more years.
Novice Section (green tag) is for members in the first three years of membership or until they win a Novice section. Once a Novice elects to enter the open section their novice status is forfeited forthwith.
Junior Section (red tag) is for members under 18 years. Two sections, Tillandsia & Bromeliad. The plant must belong to the junior and they must have been in charge of growth for 3 months before entering the plant. The junior who wins Popular Vote at age 18, moves to the Novice Section.
Voting Members choose the plant they like best. They write the number of the plant tag onto the voting strip. Match the colours of paper & tag, Open is white = vote on white slip, Novice green use green slip
Points – are allotted 1st =3, 2nd =2, 3rd=1, plus Cairns Show points for Most Points Trophy.
Library - The Librarian cannot take the full library to meetings but will take some plus the returned books. To reserve a book phone the Librarian and she/he will take it to the meeting.
Each book is to be returned to the following meeting.
To borrow an unreserved book at a meeting - complete the card and hand it to the Librarian.
Newsletter – Produced bi-monthly, one per member or family. It is your newsletter you may request article topics. Members are invited to contribute articles, preferably about bromeliads and your experiences. After 6 months membership, a short bromeliad experience story is great to look back on.
Field Trips - Members pay a share charge to cover the cost of hiring the bus.
Seating will be allocated on prepayment. Partners will be able to go if there are spare seats on the bus.
Morning teas and lunches are to be taken by the members unless we have made other plans.
Display / Sales Days - assistance from members is appreciated for setting up and pulling down. To offer plants at sale venues a member must be financial and circumstances permitting, must have attended at least three meetings in the preceding six months. Where the Society is charged a stall fee; 20% of total sales is deducted, 10% each to Society funds & for the venue. No charge venue; 10% of total sales is deducted for Society funds.
Plants sold at meetings; 10% is deducted for Society funds. The purchaser takes the price tag and pays the seller who then takes it to the Treasurer for deduction.
All plants must be free of disease, established securely in clean pots and named correctly. Plants are to have 2 tags – one with the plant name, the other with the price and the seller name.

Updated 06/07/22. Authorised persons please contact to update entries.