Caboolture and Districts Bromeliad Society Inc - Club News
P.O.Box 748 Caboolture Qld 4510
We now have a new website !

Office Holders (Updated 09/04/19)
POBox 748 Caboolture 4510
Jeanette Robertson
Robynne Stephenson
Beverley Bakker

are held on the 4th Saturday of the month (except December) at The Combined Services Club, 21 Hayes Street, Caboolture. 1:00pm for 1:30pm start. (But check our web site for changes).
Very successful monthly Study Group meetings are also held. (Check in latest KABBROM on our web)

Visitors are most welcome. Take advantage of these wonderful opportunities available at each meeting.
- Knowledgeable and informative guest speakers
- An education forum
- Lending library
- Plant display and competition
- Plant sales
- Raffle
- Plant fertiliser, pots, pot hangers, labels for sale
- An opportunity to ask experts about problem plants
- Members also receive - 6 copies of our newsletter Kabbrom

Members may also participate in a monthly Study Group, providing more in-depth and hands-on experience.

Membership Fees
Calendar year - January to December.
$15.00 single, $25.00 family / couple
Pay at a meeting or post to SECRETARY, P O BOX 748, CABOOLTURE, 4510.

Past Issues of KABBROM.

Kabrom 2009 09_5 Sept/Oct, 09_6 Nov/Dec.
Kabrom 2010 10_2 Mar/Apr, 10_3 May/June, 10_4 July/Aug, 10_5 Sept/Oct, 10_6 Nov/Dec.
Kabrom 2011 11_1 Jan/Feb, 11_2 Mar/Apr, 11_3 May/June, 11_4 July/Aug, 11_5 Sept/Oct, 11_6 Nov/Dec.
Kabrom 2012 12_1 Jan/Feb, 12_2 Mar/Apr, 12_3 May/June, 12_4 July/Aug, 12_5 Sept/Oct, 12_6 Nov/Dec.
Kabrom 2013 13_1 Jan/Feb, 13_2 Mar/Apr, 13_3 May/Jun, 13_4 July/Aug, 13_5 Sept/Oct, 13_6 Nov/Dec.
Kabrom 2014 14_1 Jan/Feb, 14_2 Mar/Apr, 14_3 May/Jun, 14_4 July/Aug, 14_5 Sept/Oct, 14_6 Nov/Dec.
Kabrom 2015 15_1 Jan/Feb, 15_2 Mar/Apr, 15_3 May/June, 15_3b Supplement, 15_4 July, 15_5 Aug, 15_6 Sept, 15_7 Oct, 15_8 Nov/Dec
Kabrom 2016 16_1 Jan, 16_2 April

Click HERE for April 2016 Kabrom

Please advise the Membership Secretary of any changes to your contact details, such as postal address, phone numbers, etc, so that this page can be updated.
Authorised persons please contact to update this page. Last update, 09/04/19