* * * * Printable 2024 SHOW FLYER - Click here.
Office Holders
- The society meets most months on the 4th Wednesday of the month commencing in February each year at the Phoenix Park Community Centre in Rob Roy Road Malvern East Vic.
- The Bromeliad Society of Victoria Inc. was founded in 1967 and currently has a strong membership of around 100 members.
- Society meetings commence at 7.30 PM and include the following items - a quality guest speaker, display plants with a popular plant vote competition and expert plant commentary, plus door and raffle prizes and a selection of Bromeliad plants or pups together with associated merchandise for sale to members and guests.
- The meeting concludes around 9.30 pm and is followed by supper (provided by the Society).
- The Society has an extensive library of books on Bromeliads and members are welcome to borrow books at each meeting for up to 2 months (until the next meeting).
- Visitors and guests of members are always most welcome at our meetings.
- The Society also conducts field day visits to member Bromeliad collections, and other locations of interest to members, on the 4th Sunday of every alternate month commencing in January each year. Visitors always welcome.
- The Annual Show is now held in N G Wishart Senior Citizens Centre, 964 Nepean Highway, Moorabbin Mel 77 E6.
- Membership fees are $20 per annum for a single member and $25 per annum for family members. -
All membership fees are due on 1st January each year.
In order to reduce costs and keep the BSV financial we will only send an electronic copy of the newsletter to you where you provide us with an email address. If you also require a hard copy of the newsletter, in addition to an electronic copy, then we ask that you pay an additional $12 on top of your annual subscription to help cover some of the printing and postage costs. Please refer to the Membership Form for details or contact a BSV committee member if you have any questions.
- All correspondence should be sent to: The Secretary, The Bromeliad Society of Victoria Inc., PO Box 101, Darling VIC 3145
Discussion Group
We meet at the Kevin Heinz Garden Centre, 39 Wetherby Rd, Doncaster, at 8 pm on the 3rd Wednesday of most months. The discussion group meets most months to talk bromeliads in an informal setting. The meeting is not of a technical nature. However arrangements are changed at the last minute, so if you are not on the discussion group mail out, please call Jill Abbott (0400 921 374) to check that arrangements are still current if you plan to attend.
All members are very welcome - don’t be put off thinking it will be technical.
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