The Bromeliad Society of Australia Incorporated.
Affiliated with The Bromeliad Society International(U.S.A.)

Spring 2018 Show Results. September 22 & 23.

Congratulations to these winning entries....
Pot of Aechmea
1 – recurvata var. benrathii - Carolyn Bunnell
2 - Salmon Cone - Philip La
3 - recurvata var. ortgiesii - Philip La

Billbergia Specimen
1 - ‘Golden Joy’ - Carolyn Bunnell
2 - ‘Caramba’ - Philip La

Billbergia Colony
1 - ‘Domingos Martins’ x ‘Georgia’ - Carolyn Bunnell
2 - ‘Deliciosa’ - Philip La

Pot of Cryptanthus
No entries

Neoregelia Species
1 - ampullacea - John Schembri

Miniature Neoregelia
1 - ‘Moon Dust’ - Carolyn Bunnell
2 - ‘Shamrock’ - Carolyn Bunnell
3 - ‘Marie’ - Carolyn Bunnell

Pot of Neoregelia Hybrid
1 - ‘Wally’ - Carolyn Bunnell
2 - ‘Painted Desert’ - Carolyn Bunnell
3 - ‘High Voltage’ - J Townsend

1 - ‘Nat de Leon’ - Christine Johnson
2 - ‘Miranda’ - Christine Johnson

Tillandsia Specimen
1 - ‘Hyde’s Silver’ - Harold Kuan
2 - ‘Eric the Red’ - Carolyn Bunnell
3 - fasciculata x rodigasiana - Carolyn Bunnell

Tillandsia Colony
1 - kautskyi - Carolyn Bunnell
2 - tectorum enano - Werner Raff
3 - capillaris - Carolyn Bunnell

1 - ‘Red Chestnut’ x fenestralis - Carolyn Bunnell
2 - racinae - Carolyn Bunnell
3 - ‘Red Chestnut’ - Helga Nitschke

Foliage / Variegated Bromeliad
1 - N. ‘Wally’ - Carolyn Bunnell

Pot of Other Genera
1 - Q. ‘Tim Plowman’ - Elizabeth Mudriczki
2 - Goudeae ospinae - Helga Nitschke

Pot of Intergeneric
No entries

Mounted Bromeliad
1 - Ae. nudicaulis var. aequalis - John Schembri
2 - N. ‘Quoll’ - John Schembri
3 - N. ‘Cheers’ - John Schembri

Terrestrial Bromeliad
1 - Deuterochonia brevifolia - Elizabeth Mudriczki

Artistic Arrangement
1 - “Caudatas Again” - Carolyn Bunnell
2 - “Springtime at the Billabong” - Janet Kuan
3 - “Spring Favourites” - Christine Johnson

1 - Tillandsia ‘Houston’ - Pamela Munro
2 - Aechmea recurvata - Pamela Munro

Grand Champion of Show
- Tillandsia ‘Hyde’s Silver’ - Harold Kuan

Reserve Champion
- Neoregelia ‘Wally’ - Carolyn Bunnell

Species Award
- Tillandsia kautskyi - Carolyn Bunnell

Novice Champion
- Tillandsia ‘Houston’ - Pamela Munro

Certificate of Commendation
- Wall Display - Joy Clark

Updated 09/04/19