The Bromeliad Society of Australia Incorporated.
Affiliated with The Bromeliad Society International(U.S.A.)

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Spring 2016 Show Results. September 24th & 25th.

This was our second Show at Castle Hill Showgrounds but this time held in the Federation Pavillion. The Harvey Lowe Pavillion is slightly larger and possibly less weather dependent, but more difficult to book and several times the cost to rent. (Local groups and schools often need the stage to practice on. Even one booking on Friday or Saturday will rule us out.)
Despite some reservations I had, we managed to all fit in comfortably and a good show was had.
One lesson we learnt was the benefit of the Saturday morning Markets crowd, both for new converts and for the morning "feeding frenzy".
Special thanks must go to Di for all the local advertising to new customers and gardeners.
There were 13 competitors, and 85 plants benched in total. (15/125 last show).
There were ZERO novice entries. The 13 competitors included a few that were convinced just to make up the numbers and the larger non-local sellers who know the power of advertising their plants on the show benches. We all need to do a bit better as the competition is a valuable tool for it's bright display and public education.
Special thanks to Alan for alertness and marathon effort on the till.
Thank you to all who helped run the Show - the number of helpers is more important than over-exertion by individuals - and thank you to Judges Edwina Caruana-Wain and Terry Davis.

1. Pot of Aechmea
Carolyn Bunnell
nudicaulis var. aequalis
David Scott
Carolyn Bunnell
2. Billbergia Specimen
Carolyn Bunnell
‘Domingos Martins’ x ‘Georgia’
Carolyn Bunnell
‘Bob Earl’ x amoena var. viridis
Allan Beard
‘Hallelujah’ x ‘Domingos Martins’
3. Billbergia Colony
Kerry McNicol
Carolyn Bunnell
‘Ruby Eyes’
Lydia Hope
4. Pot of Cryptanthus
Lydia Hope
‘Blood Red’
Lydia Hope
Chris Larson
5. Neoregelia Species
Carolyn Bunnell
John Schembri
6. Miniature Neoregelia
Carolyn Bunnell
Carolyn Bunnell
‘Morning Rain’
Carolyn Bunnell
‘Golden Jewels’
7. Pot of Neoregelia Hybrid
Elizabeth Mudriczki
‘Lime and Lava’
Carolyn Bunnell
Allan Beard
‘Bottoms Up’
8. Nidularium/Canistropsis
No Entries
9. Tillandsia Specimen
Carolyn Bunnell
Kerry McNicol
Lydia Hope
10. Tillandsia Colony
Carolyn Bunnell
Kerry McNicol
stricta x aeranthos
Lydia Hope
11. Vriesea
Carolyn Bunnell
hieroglyphica x platynema
Helga Nitschke
‘Red Chestnut’
Jan Townsend
‘Red Emperor’
12. Foliage / Variegated Bromeliad
Carolyn Bunnell
N. ‘Aquarius’
Carolyn Bunnell
N. ‘Garnish’
Kerry McNicol
N. ‘MacChester’
13. Pot of Other Genera
Chris Larson
Racinaea crispa
Don Firth
Quesnelia ‘Tim Plowman’
Carolyn Bunnell
Quesnelia marmorata
14. Pot of Intergeneric
Jan Townsend
xHohenmea ‘Ninja Princess’
Lydia Hope
xNeophytum ‘Galactic Warrior’
Carolyn Bunnell
xBiltanthus ‘Red Burst’
15. Mounted Bromeliad
John Schembri
Neo. ‘Cheers’
John Schembri
Neo. ’Purple Grape’
16. Terrestrial Bromeliad
Lydia Hope
Dy. ‘Ruby Ryde’
Carolyn Bunnell
Dy. fosteriana ‘Silver’
Allan Beard
Cryptanthus ‘Starfish’ red
17. Artistic Arrangement
Carolyn Bunnell
Werner Raff
“Treasure Cave”
Carolyn Bunnell
18. Novice
No Entries
Grand Champion of Show
Carolyn Bunnell
T. streptophylla
Reserve Champion
Elizabeth Mudriczki
Neo. ‘Lime and Lava’
Species Award
Carolyn Bunnell
Ae. nudicaulis var. aequalis
Novice Champion

Updated 26/09/16