The Bromeliad Society of Australia Incorporated.
Affiliated with The Bromeliad Society International(U.S.A.)

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Spring 2012 Show Results. October 20 & 21.
This Show there were 14 entrants including 3 Novice. Well done to all, especially the nervous Novices.
A total of 124 plants were benched. Thankyou to all who made this possible.

1. Pot of Aechmea
Terry Davis
nudicaulis ‘Zebra’
Joseph Micallef
orlandiana ‘Ensign’
Terry Davis
2. Billbergia Specimen
Paul Smith
‘Muriel Waterman’
Carolyn Bunnell
Karen Broegeler
3. Billbergia Colony
Carolyn Bunnell
‘Pink Champagne’
Carolyn Bunnell
‘Ruby Eyes’
Paul Smith
4. Pot of Cryptanthus
Joe de Gabriel
Joe de Gabriel
‘Marbled Green’
Joe de Gabriel
5. Neoregelia Species
Peter Tristram
carcharodon ‘Spines’
Terry Davis
Carolyn Bunnell
olens cv. ‘Marie’
6. Miniature Neoregelia
Carolyn Bunnell
‘Golden Jewels’
Terry Davis
Carolyn Bunnell
‘Pink Polka Dot’
7. Pot of Neoregelia Hybrid
David Scott
Terry Davis
Peter Tristram
‘Freddy Kruger’
8. Nidularium/Canistropsis
Carolyn Bunnell
Nid. Innocentii
Terry Davis
Nid. fulgens
Joe de Gabriel
Nid. fulgens
9. Tillandsia Specimen
Karen Broegeler
Paul Smith
Paul Smith
utriculate var. pringelii
10. Tillandsia Colony
Karen Broegeler
Paul Smith
disticha major
Terry Davis
11. Vriesea
Terry Davis
Peter Tristram
‘Speckles’ x ‘Big Red’
Terry Davis
12. Foliage / Variegated Bromeliad
Carolyn Bunnell
Neo. ‘First Prize’
Terry Davis
Neo. carolinae ‘Tricolor’
Terry Davis
Neo. concentric variegated
13. Pot of Other Genera
Carolyn Bunnell
Guz. lingulata
Peter Tristram
Guz. lindenii
Terry Davis
Deuterocohnia brevifolia ssp. chlorantha
14. Pot of Intergeneric
Joe Micallef
xNeophytum ‘Galactic Warrior’
Carolyn Bunnell
xNiduregelia ‘Surprise’
15. Mounted Bromeliad
Karen Broegeler
T. fuchsia forma gracilis
Carolyn Bunnell
T. fuchsia forma gracilis
Carolyn Bunnell
T. duratii
16. Terrestrial Bromeliad
Terry Davis
Dy. ‘Little Red Devil’ F2
Terry Davis
Dy. ‘Keith Ryde’
Joe de Gabriel
Orthophytum gurkenii
17. Artistic Arrangement
Joe De Gabriel
Joe Scarecrow
Carolyn Bunnell
Fruits of Broms.
Carolyn Bunnell
No. 8
18. Novice
Rona Bolton
Dy. ‘Warren’
Rona Bolton
T. aeranthos
S & L Astill
Neo. ‘Gloria’
Grand Champion of Show
xNeophytum ‘Galactic Warrior’
- Joe Micallef
Reserve Champion
Neoregelia ‘Nuance’
- David Scott
Species Award
Tillandsia duratii
- Karen Broegeler
Novice Champion
Dyckia ‘Warren’
- Rona Bolton
Highly Commended
Acanthostachys strobilacea
- Joe de Gabriel

Updated 23/10/12