The Bromeliad Society of Australia Incorporated.
Affiliated with The Bromeliad Society International(U.S.A.)

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Spring 2015 Show Results. September 26 & 27.
There were 12 entrants to the competition, and 103 plants benched in total.
Thank you to all who helped run the competition. Judges Eileen Killingley and Terry Davis, and Edwina Caruana, Lydia Hope, Stephen Wain who helped with Recording and Benching.
1. Pot of Aechmea
Carolyn Bunnell
robert-seidelii (now guarapariensis)
Edwina Caruana & Stephen Wain
Edwina Caruana & Stephen Wain
2. Billbergia Specimen
Carolyn Bunnell
‘Domingos Martins’
John & Jan Townsend
Carolyn Bunnell
‘Ruby Eyes’
3. Billbergia Colony
Carolyn Bunnell
‘Moon Tiger’
Joe De Gabriel
Joe De Gabriel
4. Pot of Cryptanthus
Lydia Hope
‘Blood Red’
Edwina Caruana & Stephen Wain
Joe De Gabriel
5. Neoregelia Species
Carolyn Bunnell
olens cv. ‘Marie’
6. Miniature Neoregelia
Carolyn Bunnell
‘Morning Rain’
Carolyn Bunnell
‘Marie’x ‘696’
Carolyn Bunnell
‘Golden Jewels’
7. Pot of Neoregelia Hybrid
Carolyn Bunnell
Joe Micallef
‘Red Opal’
Carolyn Bunnell
‘40 Winks’
8. Nidularium/Canistropsis
Carolyn Bunnell
Nidularium innocentii
Joe De Gabriel
Nidularium ‘Lila Rosea’
Joe De Gabriel
Nidularium fulgens red form
9. Tillandsia Specimen
Carolyn Bunnell
Kerry McNicol
elersiana x streptophylla
Lydia Hope
tricolor large form
10. Tillandsia Colony
Carolyn Bunnell
Kerry McNicol
fasciculata minor
Carolyn Bunnell
11. Vriesea
Carolyn Bunnell
Edwina Caruana & Stephen Wain
ospinae x ‘Poelmanii’
John & Jan Townsend
‘White Cloud’
12. Foliage / Variegated Bromeliad
Carolyn Bunnell
Vriesea ‘Red Chestnut’ x fenestralis
Carolyn Bunnell
Neoregelia ‘Blushing Zebra’
Carolyn Bunnell
Neoregelia hybrid
13. Pot of Other Genera
Chris Larson
Racinae crispa
Kerry McNicol
Canistrum triangulare
Joy Clark
Orthophytum ‘Warren Loose’
14. Pot of Intergeneric
Kerry McNicol
xNeophytum ‘Galactic Warrior’
John & Jan Townsend
xNiduregelia ‘Namara’
Carolyn Bunnell
xBiltanthus ‘Red Burst’
15. Mounted Bromeliad
Edwina Caruana & Stephen Wain
Canistrum triangulare
John Schembri
Neoregelia ‘Cheers’
Edwina Caruana & Stephen Wain
Aechmea capixabae
16. Terrestrial Bromeliad
Carolyn Bunnell
Dyckia hybrid
Carolyn Bunnell
Dyckia fosteriana "silver"
Joe De Gabriel
Orthophytum leprosum
17. Artistic Arrangement
Joy Clark
“Tilly Cart”
Carolyn Bunnell
“Oranges & Lemons”
Edwina Caruana & Stephen Wain
“Brom Arrangement”
18. Novice
Elaine Fletcher
Neoregelia ‘Predator’
Grand Champion of Show
Carolyn Bunnell
Vriesea ‘Angela’
Reserve Champion
Carolyn Bunnell
Tillandsia streptophylla
Species Award & Terry Davis Prize
Carolyn Bunnell
Tillandsia streptocarpa
Novice Champion
Elaine Fletcher
Neoregelia ‘Predator’

Updated 03/10/15