Class | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
1. Pot of Aechmea | Joe De Gabriel orlandiana x fosteriana | Joe De Gabriel Blush | Joe De Gabriel Covata |
2. Billbergia Specimen | David Scott brasiliensis hybrid | Carolyn Bunnell Hallelujah | Carolyn Bunnell Super Grace |
3. Billbergia Colony | Owen Heaps Virginia | Marilyn Heaps Carisson 51 | Owen Heaps Groovy |
4. Pot of Cryptanthus | Lydia Hope Corinne | Joe De Gabriel Arlety | Joe De Gabriel Alberta |
5. Neoregelia Species | Terry Davis tarapotensis | Terry Davis pauciflora | Terry Davis guttata |
6. Miniature Neoregelia | Carolyn Bunnell Shamrock | Carolyn Bunnell Golden Jewels | Terry Davis meyendorfii |
7. Pot of Neoregelia Hybrid | Carolyn Bunnell Lambert’s Pride | Carolyn Bunnell Charm | Terry Davis Blushing Tiger |
8. Nidularium/Canistropsis | Carolyn Bunnell innocentii | Joe De Gabriel burchellii Hybrid | Joe De Gabriel campos-portoi |
9. Tillandsia Specimen | Terry Davis ortgiesiana | Carolyn Bunnell Seaborn | Carolyn Bunnell tectorum |
10. Tillandsia Colony | Terry Davis recurvifolia v. subsecundifolia | Terry Davis sprengeliana | Dawn Williams tenuifolia v. vaginata |
11. Vriesea | Carolyn Bunnell Carlsbad | Owen Heaps gigantea | Owen Heaps Snows of Mauna Kea |
12. Foliage/Variegated | Carolyn Bunnell N. Charm | Carolyn Bunnell N. Lambert’s Pride | Dave Scott Fosperior Imperfecta |
13. Pot of Other Genera | Sharon Song Dy. Keith Ryde | Owen Heaps Wittrockia leopardinum | Joe DeGabriel Dy. Warren |
14. Pot of Intergeneric | Sharon Song xCryptbergia Topaz | Joe DeGabriel Cryptanthus It | - - |
15. Mounted Bromeliad | Carolyn Bunnell T. streptophylla | - - | - - |
16. Terrestrial Bromeliad | Ron Farrugia Deu. brevifolia ssp chlorantha | Lydia Hope Dy. Ruby Ryde | Joe DeGabriel Acanthostachys pitcairnioides |
17. Artistic | Helga Nitschke Tillandsia Garden | Dawn Williams Shell | Carolyn Bunnell Caudatas |
18. Novice | Christine Johnson Nidularium procerum | Christine Johnson Vriesea carinata | - - |
Grand Champion of Show | Tillandsia recurvifolia var. subsecundifolia | Terry Davis | - |
Reserve Champion | Dyckia Keith Ryde | Sharon Song | - |
Species Award | Tillandsia sprengeliana | Terry Davis | - |
Novice Champion | Nidularium procerum | Christine Johnson | - |