Bromeliad Society of Australia.
August 4th 2007 Big Day Out

BSA Social Report
From Julie Wright - Social Secretary

Saturday 4th August was our first social event for BSA for several years.
30 members spent an enjoyable day visiting Allan Beard's beautiful garden in Glenorie, afternoon tea at Ian Hook's garden in Northmead, and local Nurseries in the Dural area. We had a most pleasant lunch at the Geranium Cottage Nursery.
On behalf of all members who attended, we would again like to extend our thanks for sharing your gardens with us.

Our next social event is scheduled for 17th November, visiting the Hunter Bromeliad Show in Newcastle and lunch. On an initial show of hands, there appears to be enough members to hire a bus. Cost to be advised subject to numbers attending. Please contact Julie on 4620-8823 or 0401-880-659 or email for more details or to book your seat on the bus.

Ed: The BSA applaud Julie for the terrific outing she arranged and all the work that went into making it a success. Thankyou again.
Everyone who could, headed North for the day. IT DIDN'T RAIN !
The highlights were Allan Beard's magical garden, the dessert at The Geranium Cottage, Val "hooning" down the road with the car door wide open, and Debbie getting lost.

A few images of the day. Click an image for full size.
Allan's plants in flower.
Guarding the treasures.
Allan's garden.
Up to no good ?
Enough Broms !
No frost !
Come on Val !
Are we ready ?
Most of us.
Aileen Robson.
Aileen Robson.
Aileen Robson.
Aileen Robson.
Aileen Robson.
Aileen Robson.

Updated 20/08/07